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среда, 13 марта 2013 г.

Catalog of Bell&Ross fake Watches

Catalog of Bell&Ross fake Watches

Catalog of Bell&Ross fake Watches


Brand watches Bell & Ross got its name from the name of its main designers who lead the brand. Swiss designer Bruno Belamish and Carlos A. Rosilo cut their names in modern American style and have simple, bright, stylish and memorable name for the watch brand - Bell & Ross. Manufacture of watches of this brand is in Switzerland - a country known throughout the world for its reliable banks, delicious chocolate and a unique, luxurious, elite wristwatch.
Year of the foundation of the company is 1992. Despite the relative youth of the brand, its products are more and more popular and high demand, they are known around the world and create competition even eminent brands of a centuries-old existence and production. The first model of a wristwatch, which appeared under the delusion Bell Ross aroused great interest and representatives of NATO and the security services, that was a defining moment and an event for the future activities of the company, and also to select the vector of further development of production. In 1997, the company made another tactical move, signing a contract with Chanel.

The famous French brand has won a large stake in the watch company, so was open access to the world market.
Young watch company began to specialize in producing steel sports watch. After winning the European markets, the company has put all its efforts for the development of the world market.
Watches Bell & Ross became popular not only because of the creators of the brand commercial vein, the main advantage of the brand watches is their high accuracy and reliability even in the most extreme situations. Creating watches for athletes and adventurers, the company has won undeveloped niche and other companies began producing as quartz and mechanical watches can withstand significant overloads associated with acceleration, temperature and pressure.
In his collection of well-known brand, the definitions brand colors, using mainly beige or black. Instrumental, technological watch - that is the main production area of ​​the brand.

Wristwatches are often compared because of their design from the dashboard of combat vehicles - a combination of simple round dials with simple square base gives hours of martial air. An important feature of the Bell & Ross watch is easy reading information.
The following pages present replicas watches Bell Ross, also offer high accuracy and reliability. Submitted on our website will not bring you up even in the most extreme situation, and reasonable prices will make the dream of stylish watches and luxury life!